Tuesday, July 24, 2007


..im down to my last year in law school (hopefully)..

..this sem, i only have 10 units and i am almost near insanity thinking of advance reading for the next semester..

..my dad told me to resign or at least take a leave for the second semester and concentrate first with my studies..to at least ensure my graduation..

..now. in our office, my terms of reference from november onwards is to be drafted..

..do i take full time and just study harder?..

..do i get a half time position wherein, as per our admin officer, it might be difficult to get full time position again?..

..do i resign and leave the company i loved for four years now, and take the chances that they will still take me back after a year?..

.. i love my job..

..i love to finish law school..



daye said...

Hi caye...

Do what you think will make you a better person and of course pursue what will make you happier...

If you're torn between two options, choose them both.

Anyway if you're happy in both of them..the work will seem to be as fun as studying..Consider each as a BREAK from the other. :)

though, may I advise that during your prebar review, you have to make your 6 months before the bar exam, a FULL TIME commitment... (oopsss...i'm not talking from experience, i still chose to work part-time sana di ko pagsisihan..hehehe)

miss you girl...


TwistedHalo said...

compromise, friendster! stay part-time with your work, tas do as daye says, full 6months pre-bar. anyhoo, kaya mo naman yan, CAYE pa! :D